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Social media can play a massive role in marketing for many business big and small. Having a profile on sites such as Facebook and Twitter can give your customers another way to stay in contact with you and another means of communication. It allows you to share information with them instantly and get quick responses in terms of clicks through to your website. If you have a business that is actively on the social media sites then you may wish to consider adding a blog to your site. A blog is essentially a list of articles or stories that have been published by the website owners, and contains useful information they think their visitors may find interesting or useful.  When adding content to your social media sites you will want to make the posts quick and to the point. Some sites only give you a limited number of characters you can use.  If you add a blog to your site, not only will it help with your search engine optimisation it will also allow you to share the links to the full articles on the social media sites. This will also help build your traffic to your website rather than […] Read more...

If you have a blog on your website or a standalone blog and want to attract more visitors to it, you may consider using social media. You need to ensure that your blog is set up correctly and that you are regularly posting new information on to it. Once you have your blog set up and have a number of interesting posts then it is time to start promoting it. You may want to wait until you have a number of blog posts on there before you promote it too much as people may have one look and not bother to come back if there is very limited information. Once you have created a new blog, you need to get the post seen. Log in to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. and share a link to your blog post. Ideally you want to say a few words that will entice people in to read the post. Some social media sites will link any photos from the blog post to the post you are creating on their site but with others you may need to upload the image separately. Ensure that you give you blog post […] Read more...

Guest blogging can help build authority in your industry and is done very successfully by many of the larger brands. There are three main reasons as to why you may want to undertake guest blogging. It may be that you want to get your name recognised as an expert within a certain industry, you may wish to get traffic back to your website through the blog posts or you may want to simple earn backlinks to your site to help with your SEO. Ideally, you want to aim to do all three of the above in your posts. If you are just trying to build up authority or get traffic to your site you will need to find popular, well-known blogs in which you can post. If you mainly want to get backlinks then you need to carefully research the sites that you are posting on, such as their domain authority. There are many tools online that will allow you to look into the background of a certain domain and find out the facts you need to, to find the best sites to post on.  You should always find relevant blogs to post on, so for example, if you sell […] Read more...

The first thing you need to do when setting up a blog is to choose your blogging platform. There are many out there including WordPress and Wix. You will also need to choose a domain name and a hosting company. Many domain companies also offer hosting but you need to check the packages carefully to insure that they will be able to handle the amount of traffic you expect to get and also that they are reliable. Reading reviews of the hosting company is vital to ensuring that you find a good one. There is no point in having a fantastic blog if it is going to be offline often. The next thing to do is to think about the design of your blog. Many blog creation sites such as WordPress have thousands of themes which you can download for free, or you can hose one of the paid for ones if you want a bit more flexibility. If you have a specific design that you want then you will need to contact a web designer to get them to create a bespoke theme for you. Once you theme is live add in any plugins that you may need such […] Read more...

A blog can be a great way to get traffic to your website and the more visitors you have the better. You can of course try other methods of increasing the traffic to your site such as using paid for advertising, mass emailing or spamming other sites with links to yours. This can be expensive, time consuming and often has little results apart from the paid advertising, but eventually when your money runs out so does the traffic to your site. By building a blog it allows you to add huge amounts of additional content without clogging up your main pages and navigation. It’s a chance to get some great key phases in to your site that people may be searching for and not only get your blog read but your main site viewed. If for example someone types in “what is the best book for a 5 year old” and you have written a post with that title then the chances are it may show up on Google. Within the blog post you can then put links in to relevant books that you sell to make it easier for the visitor to purchase the books they have just read […] Read more...

Ideally you should add a blog to your website if you have enough content to be able to update it on a weekly or monthly basis. Adding a blog to a website is differs depending on what system your site has been built with. To add a blog you will need to contact your web developer to build it for you. You should be able to have access to upload new articles on the blog without having to send them to the developer every time. If you are using WordPress, then it should be straight forward to install a blog page. The blog can be stand alone or within your current site. If your site uses a custom theme then you may have to get your developer to make some changes to the layout, especially if you want a feed for your latest posts on the home page for example. ­ Read more...

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